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1. King, David A., "Ibn al-Shāṭir, ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn Abū'l-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Ibrāhīm." In Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 357-364. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
2. Hartner, Willy, "Ptolemy, Azarquiel, Ibn al-Shāṭir, and Copernicus on Mercury: A Study of Parameters." In Oriens-Occidens: Ausgewählte Schriften zur Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte. By Hartner, Willy. edited byMaeyama, Y..292-312. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1984.
Series: Collectanea, 3/2
Notes: Reprinted from Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences 24 (1974): 5-25.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
3. Unbūbā, ʿĀdil, "Ibn al-Shāṭir." In Dāʾirat al-Maʿārif: Qāmūs ʿĀmm li-Kull Fann wa-Maṭlab. Edited by al-Bustānī, Fuʾād Afrām. 243-244. Beirut: al-Maṭbaʿah al-Kāthūlīkīyah, 1960.
Notes: Additional title: Encyclopedia Arabica.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
4. Abbud, Fuad. "The Planetary Theory of Ibn al-Shāṭir: Reduction of the Geometric Models to Numerical Tables." Isis 53, (1962): 492-499.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, by Edward S. Kennedy, et al. Also reprinted in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
5. Janin, Louis. "Le cadran solaire de la Mosquée Umayyade à Damas." Centaurus 16, (1972): 285-298.
Notes: Reprinted in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
6. Janin, Louis//King, David A.. "Ibn al-Shāṭir's Ṣandūq al-Yawāqīt: An Astronomical 'Compendium'." Journal of the History of Arabic Science 1, 2 (1977): 187-256.
Notes: Reprinted in King's Islamic Astronomical Instruments.
Subjects: Scholarship/Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
7. Kennedy, Edward S.. "Late Medieval Planetary Theory." Isis 57, (1966): 365-378.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, by Edward S. Kennedy, et al. Also reprinted in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
8. Kennedy, Edward S.//Roberts, Victor. "The Planetary Theory of Ibn al-Shāṭir." Isis 50, (1959): 227-235.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, by Edward S. Kennedy, et al. Also reprinted in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
9. Mannan, K. M.. "Ibn ash-Shāṭir--A Genius among Muslim Astronomers." Hamdard Islamicus 9, 2 (1986): 43-49.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
10. Neugebauer, Otto. "On the Planetary Theory of Copernicus." Vistas in Astronomy 10, (1968): 89-103.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
11. al-Rīḥāwī, ʿAbd al-Qādir. "Découverte de deux inscriptions arabes." al-Ḥawlīyāt al-Atharīyah al-Sūrīyah/Les Annales archéologiques de Syrie 11-12, (1961-1962): 207-211.
Notes: Partially reprinted in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Epigraphy/Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
12. Roberts, Victor. "The Planetary Theory of Ibn al-Shāṭir: Latitudes of the Planets." Isis 57, (1966): 208-219.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, by Edward S. Kennedy, et al. Also reprinted in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
13. Roberts, Victor. "The Solar and Lunar Theory of Ibn ash-Shāṭir: A Pre-Copernican Copernican Model." Isis 48, (1957): 428-432.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, by Edward S. Kennedy, et al. Also reprinted in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
14. Rosinska, Grazyna. "Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī and Ibn al-Shāṭir in Cracow?." Isis 65, (1974): 239-243.
Notes: Reprinted in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
15. Saliba, George. "Arabic Astronomy and Copernicus." Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 1, (1984): 73-87.
Notes: Reprinted in his A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories during the Golden Age of Islam.
Subjects: Scholarship/Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
16. Wiedemann, Eilhard. "Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften LXXIX. Ibn al Schâṭir, ein arabischer Astronom aus dem 14. Jahrhundert." Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medizinischen Sozietät zu Erlangen 60, (1928): 317-326.
Notes: Reprinted in his Aufsätze zur arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte, vol. 2, pp. 729-738, and in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Scholarship/Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
17. Hartner, Willy. "Ptolemy, Azarquiel, Ibn al-Shāṭir, and Copernicus on Mercury: A Study of Parameters." Archives internationales d'histoire des sciences 24, 94 (1974): 5-25.
Notes: Reprinted in his Oriens-Occidens: Ausgewählte Schriften zur Wissenschafts- und Kulturgeschichte, vol. 2: 292-312.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
18. Kennedy, Edward S.//ʿImād Ghānim, editors. Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar al-Mīlādī. 44, 131 pp.. Aleppo: Maʿhad al-Turāth al-ʿIlmī al-ʿArabī, 1976.
Notes: Additional title: The Life and Work of Ibn al-Shāṭir: An Arab Astronomer of the Fourteenth Century.
Subjects: Scholarship/Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
19. Schmalzl, Peter, Zur Geschichte des Quadranten bei den Arabern. 142 pp.. München: Druck der Salesianischen Offizin, 1929.
Notes: The chapter "Zwei Quadranten von Ibn al Schāṭir," pp.100-108, is reprinted in Ibn al-Shāṭir: Falakī ʿArabī min al-Qarn al-Thāmin al-Hijrī/al-Rābiʿ ʿAshar Milādī, edited by Edward S. Kennedy and ʿImād Ghānim.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
20. Sédillot, Louis-Amélie, Mémoire sur les instruments astronomiques des arabes. 229 pp., 26 pls.. Paris: L'Académie royale des inscriptions et belles-lettres, 1841.
Series: Mémoires présentés par divers savants à l'Académie royale des inscriptions et belles-lettres (1st ser.), 1
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
21. Wiedemann, Eilhard, Aufsätze zur arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte. 2 vols.. Hildesheim and New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 1970.
Series: Collectanea, 6
Notes: Reprints his "Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften" I-LXXIX, from Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medizinischen Sozietät zu Erlangen 34-60 (1902-1928).
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
22. Kennedy, Edward S.. "Planetary Theory in the Medieval Near East and Its Transmission to Europe." In Oriente e Occidente nel Medioevo: Filosofia e scienze, Convegno Internazionale, 595-607. Rome, 9-15 April 1969. Rome: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1971.
Notes: Reprinted in Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences, by Edward S. Kennedy, et al.
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship
23. al-Khālidī, Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn. "Ibn al-Shāṭir al-Riyāḍī al-Falakī." In Proceedings of the First International Symposium for the History of Arabic Science/Abḥāth al-Nadwah al-ʿĀlamīyah al-Ūlá li-Taʾrīkh al-ʿUlūm ʿinda al-ʿArab, vol. 1, 135-139. Aleppo, 5-12 April 1976. Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science, 1978.
Notes: English abstract, vol. 2, p. 72: "Ibn al-Shāṭir, the Mathematician and Astronomer"
Subjects: Scholarship/Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
24. Saliba, George. "Critiques of Ptolemaic Astronomy in Islamic Spain." Al-Qanṭara: Revista de Estudios Árabes 20, 1 (1999): 3-25.
Subjects: Scholarship/Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
25. Nikfahm-Khubravan, Sajjad, and F. Jamil Ragep. "The Mercury Models of Ibn Al-Šāṭir and Copernicus." Arabic Sciences and Philosophy: A Historical Journal 29, 1 (2019): 1-59.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship--Science
26. Penchèvre, Erwan. "Vénus selon Ibn al-Šāṭir." Arabic Sciences and Philosophy: A Historical Journal 26, 2 (September 2016): 185-214.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
27. Penchèvre, Erwan. "Vénus selon Ibn al-Šāṭir." Arabic Sciences and Philosophy: A Historical Journal 26, 2 (September 2016): 185-214.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
28. Penchèvre, Erwan. "Vénus selon Ibn al-Šāṭir." Arabic Sciences and Philosophy: A Historical Journal 26, 2 (September 2016): 185-214.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir
29. De Block, Fien. "Al-Zīj al-Jadīd as an Instrument for Timekeeping in Fifteenth-Century Cairo: The Materiality of Bodleian MS Arch. Seld. A 30." Mamlūk Studies Review (2021): 103-118.
Notes: See online:
Subjects: Individuals--Ibn al-Shatir/Scholarship



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